Radically Transparent Salary Database

Our Radically Transparent Salary Database is now available to our community. This is a crowd-sourced database that anonymously shares salary information from diverse individuals around the globe.

Filter and sort through thousands of submissions to understand your professional market value, prepare for your next negotiation, and gain the knowledge to create the compensation package you deserve.

*Disclaimer: This is a tool you should use at your own discretion. Understand that their are many factors that influence your salary including your own personal experience, your location, the company size, the amount of years at the company, and even the current job market. For more insight on how some companies may evaluate their offers check out Buffer’s salary formula and compensation philosophy https://buffer.com/resources/transparent-salaries/. If you are interested in getting a custom market value report, we encourage you to purchase one at https://www.81cents.com/products.

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